Rocko von Potter
Rocko von Potter is a stunning 14 month old German Shepherd/Poodle/Husky mix. Our sweet, happy lad has the cutest black, wavy coat, loves being rubbed all over and enjoys ear scratches. In fact, he seems to have an easygoing personality with everyone he meets! Rocko lived with a family who relinquished him because a child was allergic. They said that he is good with young kids, male and female dogs, and in the yard. He is housebroken, crate-trained, knows “Sit," “Stay," “Lie Down," “Outside," and “Inside." At the rescue, he welcomes his outings with a calm and ready attitude. He does really well on his walk, presenting a medium energy level and staying close to his handler. He likes to do a bit of exploring on his walks, so he can be eager on occasion when he really wants to sniff something. He walks great alongside other dogs and meets them face-to-face with no issues. When it's playgroup time, he comes in ready to socialize. He can engage in gentle/dainty play with another dog and will share the water bowl. Always a great greater, he even gave kisses to a couple of dogs. Rocko did well with a little pug he met today. He just needs a moment to figure out what small dogs are. No cats please. Rescued from the Harbor animal shelter. Weight: 40 lbs |
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